One speedboat crash...15 victims...and 30 seconds before you die

A jet-boat crash sets in motion a frantic investigation to find the saboteur. But with 15 fatalities, simply identifying the intended victim among the crowd proves a challenge. 

As the search for the killer continues, other victims succumb to "accidental" deaths--including the lead New Zealand investigator.

Left in the crosshairs, Alton and Mallory race to unravel the mystery before the murderer can strike again. But will the Blackwells, like each of the victims, have only thirty seconds to live?


  • "Steven F. Freeman's chilling and suspense-filled novel, Thirty Seconds to Live, turned into an engrossing read from start to finish. I liked Freeman's approach to the story and the strong characters. The boat crash at the beginning sets the pace and tension in the story. All in all, a gripping and riveting read to the end!" Readers' Favorite five-star review

  • "I couldn't put it down: I always had to read just one more chapter! Another great Steve Freeman adventure." Vianvi Book Reviews

  • "This book takes high tech action to a whole new level. This would truly make a great movie!" Amazon reviewer

  • "Fast paced thrills with an unusual group of characters and suspects. Couldn’t put this one down!" Amazon reviewer

  • "I love the complexity of the plot. I love the author's writing style and love the Blackwell series." Amazon reviewer

  • "Freeman is the most imaginative raconteur I have come across so far. His stories move at such a fast pace that it is hard to take a break. One has to read till close to the last chapters to find the guilty parties." Amazon reviewer